Monday, May 16, 2011

Trail scenes - Atkins to Bland, VA May 14

We've had some rainy days recently, which makes for damp gear and clothing. We've been hiking about 20 miles most days.
An average sized male with a 40 pound pack burns over 5,000 calories per day. It's hard to eat that much, which is why most hikers lose weight. Plus, the more food you carry, the more wiehgt you have, the more calories you's a catch 22.

 The AT crosses through a cow pasture, complete with cows and cow patties
 The cows are unpreturbed by our passing
 The Partnership shelter. There was a visitor center nearby that let hikers call and have pizza deliverd. No normal thru-hiker passes up that opportunity. It's a win-win for hikers and the pizza place.
 Stopping for a re-supply in Atkins, VA. This was an Exxon mart, which did not have great food. It's really hard to eat a healthy diet on the trail.
Rhododendrons starting to bloom
 Swallowtails. You figure it out!
 Crossing a stile into a cow field. We crossed about 20 of these in one day, since the AT was running through private farmland. It gets very tiring climbing over these with a pack and poles.
 The trail breifly follows along a river
Mountain laurel are starting to bloom


Rosemary said...

Also a great set. Cows and stiles, very funny. I guess the cows must be pretty used to hikers. Also funny how all the businesses have learned to capitalize on thru-hikers, like the pizza place. Smart.

Barbara said...

Liked the luna moth - I would have freaked out. Those rock formations were neat - Dragon Rock or whatever! Keep plugging along!