Monday, May 16, 2011

Walking north with spring

We initially debated hiking north to south, because the trails and shelters would be far less crowded. But we chose to hike south to north, the more typical route, partly so we could 'walk north with spring'. Starting in Georgia at the end of March, we are able to see all the changes as spring and summer come to the mountains and woodlands. The trees leaf out, ferns unfurl, and countless wildflowers start to bloom. You really notice every little change when you're in the woods all day, every day. It's been quite an experience.
 Mayapple in bloom
 White violets
Pink azalea 
Pink azalea in Laurel Creek Gorge
 Flowering dogwood
 Trout lily and Spring Beauty
 Lady slippers - in triplicate
Pink azalea

Red trilium and Dutchman's breeches
Rhododendrons just starting to bloom (thank you, Carole, for the correct spelling)

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