Saturday, March 12, 2011

Fun Facts for the Appalachian Trail

Many people start out at Springer Mt, Georgia, intending to thru-hike the entire length of the trail to Katahdin. About 10-15% actually make it. That means the drop-out rate is almost 90%.
Reasons for leaving:
Personal injury, illness, finances, weather, homesickness, hiking partner quits, run out of time to finish.

Physical challenges on the trail:
Blisters, chaffing, shin splints, broken bones, knee problems, back problems, foot problems, sunburn, frostbite, hypothermia, heat exhaustion, malnutrition, diarrhea, giardia, lyme disease, severe weight loss, cuts, bruises, sprains, etc.. But most of the people who leave the trail don't leave because of physical injury. The fittest and most experienced people are not necessarily the ones who complete the hike. It comes down to mental toughness and desire to complete a goal.

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