Monday, July 25, 2011

Rutland, VT to Hanover, NH - Mile 1,740

We are seeing lots of people on the trail now - sobos (south bounders), nobos (north bounders),and people hiking the Long Trail, which runs with the AT for 105 miles. We still have 500 miles of trail left to go.

Mom met us in Rutland, VT and took us to the lake on July 24th. We swam, had a great dinner, and were able to see Kyle and Lani as well as the rest of the Hunts and Nana. Then we got to slackpack over Killington, which is always good.

We reached Hanover, NH, on July 28th - our 13th state. This is a college town (Dartmouth), but also hiker friendly - we get a free slice of pizza, and ice cream, if we can find it.

 The Green Mountain Hostel in Manchester, VT. This was a great place that gave each thru-hiker a pint of Ben&Jerry's ice cream!
The AT crosses a ski trail on Bromley Mt

 Portrait and Balance on the fire tower on Bromley. We hadn't seen Portrait since Georgia. His beard has grown considerably since then.
 The ski lift on Bromley Mt
An overview of the airport in Rutland, VT
 An excellent dinner at Lake George
The whole Hunt clan (almost), Mom and Nana

Early morning at the Lake, then we go back to the trail.
 Waiting for a train to pass on rte 103. Note - no backpacks - we are slacking today!
The Cooper Lodge shelter on Killington. No views - it was rainy and cloudy, but we prefer that for climbing to the hot days we'd been having.
 Getting back on trail with our backpacks on rte 4, VT
 Gifford Woods State Park
Kent Pond, Gifford Woods SP
 After an afternoon of rain, the sky clears and we see a rainbow from the Lookout
 Sunset from the tower at the Lookout. We seldom get to see sunsets on the trail; we're usually deep in the woods and are in our tent by sunset.
Mountain range to the West - the Adirondacks
 The cabin at the Lookout. The porch floorboards were falling in and it leaked, but it was a great place to spend the night. We set up our tent inside the cabin.

Sunrise from the Cabin tower at the Lookout - not as impressive as sunset, but with cool valley fog.
 This bakery was .2 miles off the trail - anything that close, we stop at! They had fantastic pies.
"When in doubt, the AT always goes up." This is true!
 Goldenrods in bloom
Trail Magic! On the way into Hanover, somone left watermelon for hikers.
 The border of Vermont and New Hampshire, across the Connecticut River
 The Connecticut River
Drying our tent tarp on the common in front of Dartmouth College. Hey, we're hikers!


Rosemary said...

I remember Portrait! How cool to se him again and hear his stories.

Linda said...

Love the rainbow shot, and the sunset shots too.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous sunset shots!free ben&jerrys sounds good too.wish we could join you in the white mts.

Barbara said...

Great sunsets - keep plugging up those mountains - rewards are right around the corner.

Rosemary said...

Oooh, you added more. I especially like the silhoutte pic of B by lake.

ML Hanni said...

Wish we had planned better to meet up with you - we passed through N. Haverhill, VT on the 4th of August. You are an inspiration (esp. to Matt!). Amazing photos!